The Green Economy

Clean energy protects our climate, health, and economy

Building a Renewable Future

Clean energy sources can power our lives without destroying the climate, polluting the environment, or harming public health.

With recent breakthroughs, we now have the technology we need to provide that renewable energy affordably. The world is transitioning to a clean energy future, and we want to make sure that Pennsylvanians don’t get left behind.

Subsidize Renewable Energy, Not Dirty Fossil Fuels

In 2019, Pennsylvania provided $3.8 billion in tax breaks and direct spending to subsidize the fossil fuel industry.

We need to use those resources to put Pennsylvanians to work bringing renewable energy and a more sustainable future to Pennsylvania.

Clean Energy Can Power Pennsylvania’s Economy


There’s a false narrative pushed by the fossil fuel lobby that clean energy must come at the cost of jobs. It’s simply not true.

The Pennsylvania green economy is growing fast, and so are good paying jobs in renewable energy. Solar energy jobs grew at a rate almost double that of traditional fossil fuel jobs in 2019.

Here’s how the Clean Air Action Fund is fighting to build a green economy in Pennsylvania

  • Advocating for a strong community solar power bill in the legislature

  • Expanding residential and business energy efficiency programs

  • Supporting a stronger clean energy standard in Pennsylvania

  • Supporting the electrification of transportation and commercial buildings


  • Tell Your State Representatives to Support Community Solar

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